First Post

Well, here I go. I’ve been wanting to start a blog for a while now. Is it mid-life crisis? A need to share? Checking to see if anyone is really listening to me? I don’t know. But I do know I’m excited to start my blogging venture by documenting an upcoming trip to Italy my mother Nancy and I are embarking upon shortly.

Hopefully you’ll come along for the ride. If not, that’s ok too. I plan on posting daily (or as often as I have Wi-Fi) with lots of photos and details of our days. Don’t be surprised if the format changes…I’m new to this and there are a ton of options out there to make your page look all spiffy!

Ciao! And I hope to see you following along!

Author: Lisa

Married mother with a blended family. I work a full time day job but dream of retiring! I'm starting my blog to share my experience of my bucket list trip to Italy. After that, who knows?